Best viewed: 8-9th October 2022
What will the Draconids do this year? Will they be quiet or will they give us a spectacular show with thousands of meteors per hour?
What is the Draconid meteor shower?
- As the comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner orbits the sun, it leaves a trail of debris which the Earth crashes into every October. As the debris burns up in our atmosphere, it produces the meteor shower that we call the Draconids.
- The rate of meteors depends on which part of the comet’s trail lies in the Earth’s path. In most years, the Draconids are relatively quiet and produce few meteors.
- However, in 1933 and 1946 the Draconids delivered some of the most impressive meteor showers in the 20th century, with thousands of meteors seen each hour. Maybe this year could be another spectacular show?
When is the best time to see the Draconid meteor shower in 2022?
- The best time to see the Draconids in 2022 is during the evening on Saturday 8th October.
- Unfortunately, there’s also a full moon this year at around the same time, so viewing conditions will be poor. Dark, clear skies are always best for seeing meteors.
- However, the Draconids will start appearing from 6th October, so keep your eyes peeled. The number of meteors will increase steadily each night until their peak on 8-9th October and then disappear completely after 10th October.
How to View the Draconid Meteor Shower from the UK
No special equipment is necessary to see the Draconid meteor shower from the UK, but a little preparation goes a long way.
- Check the Weather: Look at the forecast. If it’s cloudy, try watching on nights before the peak.
- Find a Dark Spot: Choose a safe, dark location with a clear view, away from buildings, trees, and street lights. The Draconids can appear anywhere in the sky, so a broad view is best.
- Adjust Your Eyes: Turn off all lights, including phones and torches, for 15 minutes to let your eyes adjust to the darkness. If using a torch, consider one with a red filter.
- Stay Comfortable: Dress warmly and bring a reclining chair. Since the Draconids can be viewed for many hours, refreshments can enhance your experience.
If you are planning to take pictures of meteors, Mary McIntyre has some very useful tips for you on how to take better meteor pictures.
Another great way to watch the Perseids is to buy or build yourself a meteor camera. You’ll be able to create amazing time lapse videos like the one below and join the UK network of over 183 meteor cameras. You don’t need any previous experience and it’s a great project to do with your kids or students!